Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Visualizing Your Way To Better Sports Performance | AutoRoll ...

Sportsmen spend a great deal of time training their bodies to enhance their sports performance. Countless hours are frequently spent lifting weights, improving fitness, practicing routines, and perfecting technique all in the search to gain a competitve edge. In numerous cases, the physical differences between the capabilities of top athletes can be very small and athletes go to great lengths to see even little improvements.

No matter whether competiting at a professional level or as an enthusiastic amateur, what each athlete looks for is something that may give him an edge over his competitors. A efficient way to gain an advantage is through the utilisation of mental sports performance methods like visualization.

Visualization is the process of making an experience in your mind that feels so real it transforms your body. The mind-body connection is so powerful that it?s possible to produce physical reactions through just the process of utilizing your imagination. Through visualization we use the mind to envision what we would like to be or what we want to have.

Visualization permits you to tap into the power of your subconscious mind and use it to physically produce a desired result. Just as exercise trains our muscles to effectively memorize a routine until it becomes second nature, visualization is a way of exercising the mind so you can simply draw on positive thought and make such thought readily available when performing challenging tasks. Through visualization techniques we will be able to harness our thoughts in a way that permits us imagine success to a degree that it becomes the most likely end result.

Athletes in many sports benefit from the utilization of visualization. It is especially useful in sports that are more challenging psychologically than they are physically. Golf is a good example. Golf Teacher Hall-Of-Fame Member Jim Flick once said ?Golf is 90% mental and the other 10% is mental too? illustrating the significance of mental golf techniques.

Athletes from pretty much every sport use, and benefit from utilizing visualization . Visualization is not only effective at preparing an athlete mentally to be their best, it is also very useful at facing specific deficiencies in their performance and provides a way for them to continue to improve and gain a competitive edge.

An enthusiastic golfer, Alex Kelly was delighted to discover he could use mental golf to improve his golf game quickly and easily. On his blog he shares his knowledge of visualization and other mental golf techniques with his golf buddies everywhere.

Source: http://recreationandsports.therefinedgeek.com.au/index.php/2011/10/visualizing-your-way-to-better-sports-performance/

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